Is the RYA Day Skipper Certificate accepted in Greece?
The RYA Day Skipper certificate is a sailing qualification that is well acknowledged and respected all over the world. The RYA Day Skipper certificate is a yacht charter qualification that is appropriate for those who have some experience with yachting as well as basic abilities in sailing and navigating.
This RYA Day Skipper is one of the initial levels of sailing credentials for a yacht charter, and the sole prerequisite is a knowledge of the theory of a Day Skipper as well as 5 days, 100 miles, and 4 nights of sailing experience. The training lasts for a total of five days and encompasses topics such as navigation, deck work, navigation, repair and maintenance, as well as nighttime sailing.
Be aware that the RYA Day Skipper certificate may not be recognized by Greek port authorities if you plan to go on a yacht charter in Greece. This qualification is appropriate for going on a yacht charter to many countries and is typically sufficient to allow you to charter a boat. However, if you plan to go on a yacht charter in Greece, you should be aware that this qualification is suitable for going on a yacht charter to Additional certification and licensing, such as an ICC certificate, is frequently necessary (International Certificate of Competence).
1. What Exactly Is An ICC?
2. How Do I Obtain An ICC Qualification?
3. What Are the Requirements for an ICC?
4. How Much Time Does It Take To Get An ICC?
5. What Makes Greece Unique?
6. Where Can I Use My RYA Day Skipper Qualification?
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1. What Is An ICC?
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Inland Water Transport Resolution 40 is the organization that is responsible for issuing the ICC, also known as the International Certificate of Competence. The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the authorized entity in the UK to offer an International Certificate of Competence (ICC). The RYA is also the organization that issues the RYA Day Skipper certificate.
The ICC was initially established so that boats could travel more easily over rivers like the Rhine and the Danube. This license has, throughout the course of its history, morphed into one that, upon presentation, demonstrates a candidate’s capability of navigating the interior and coastal waterways of Europe.
When visiting foreign-flagged boats in coastal or inland waterways, the majority of European nations recognize the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) as a valid universal license. Instead of the RYA Day Skipper certificate, the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) is frequently recognized in its place as the qualification required by many nations.
The ICC can be earned in one of five different areas, and one can only get an award in the category(s) for which they have demonstrated competence. Coastal Waters, Inland Waters, Power, Sail, and Personal Watercraft are the five different categories that are available to choose from.
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2. What do I need to do to submit an application for an ICC qualification?
The Application Procedure
It is possible to receive an ICC either simultaneously with or after receiving a RYA Day Skipper certificate. The RYA is the only organization that has the authority to issue a UK ICC, which may be done by by filling out an ICC application form and signing a statement.
In order to submit an application for an ICC license, you are required to have the following documents:
- A picture at the size required for passports.
- Payment (existing RYA members receive the ICC fee of charge) (existing RYA members receive the ICC fee of charge)
- a record demonstrating that the necessary requirements have been attained (eg RYA Day Skipper)
- a filled-out application for membership in the ICC
The ICC is valid for five years and the renewal process is simple and may be done online.
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3. What Types of Pre-Existing Qualifications Are Necessary to Obtain an ICC?
The International Criminal Court is open to anybody who satisfies the following requirements:
- Must be older than 16 years of age to participate.
- Who can provide evidence that, according to the RYA’s standards, they are eligible to get the license because of their nationality
- Is in suitable mental and physical condition to operate a recreational craft.
- Applicants must present one of the following UK certifications (only for sailing): completed the CEVNI exam, the RYA Day Skipper course, the RYA Coastal Skipper Sail course, the RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper course, or the Yachtmaster course.
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4. Approximately How Long Does It Take To Receive An ICC?
When going to Greece with a certificate as a RYA Day Skipper, it is highly advised that you also obtain a license from the ICC. This will ensure that you won’t have any problems with the Greek Port Authorities. The RYA has the ability to award an ICC license; however, applicants should be advised that the issuance of such permits might take up to 21 days.
In 2022, the only method to obtain an ICC license is to wait for the required period of 21 days. Prior to the release of Covid-19, there was a fast track service that could be utilized, but it is no longer an option. Before you set sail on your Greece yacht rental, check that you have at least 21 days to complete the necessary steps to obtain your license.
If you already have an ICC license but it is about to expire because you have had it for 5 years, the RYA will contact you about renewing it, which can also be done online, assuming that they can reach you at the same address they have on file for you. If you can be reached at that address, they will renew your license.
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5. What Sets Greece Apart From Other Countries?
The Greece Port Authorities refused to recognise several RYA credentials in 2019, including the RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Skipper certificates, on the grounds that the qualifications have daylight limits that are not compatible with Greek law. It is currently suggested that an ICC be presented along with these certificates in order for them to be legitimate. This requirement is intended to ensure that the certifications are accurate. According to Greek legal precedent, this must be done.
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6. In which locations is the RYA Day Skipper qualification recognized and respected?
It is always recommended to have an ICC qualification to complement your qualification, especially in European countries as it shows competence. While the RYA Day Skipper qualification may be sufficient for some countries in terms of qualifications, it is always recommended to have an ICC qualification.
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In order to Charter a Yacht, What Kind of Experience Am I Required to Have?
One of the questions that we are asked the most often is this one. And for an excellent cause.
Going it alone on a yacht charter is a fantastic experience in its own right, despite the fact that having a captain and crew on board confers a number of significant benefits. So let’s begin by analyzing it in more detail:
- Experience. You will almost always require some level of prior expertise. If a yacht charter firm is willing to provide you with a vessel without a captain, they are likely breaching more than one law in the process. In the end, the type of experience you need in order to charter a boat boils down to one of three things:
- Comfort. whatever it is that makes you feel at ease. You will, in almost all circumstances, be accountable for the well-being of other individuals, not to mention the boat that belongs to someone else.
- The Charter Area We have divided up our charter regions into five distinct categories, ranging from the simplest to the most difficult. If you’re interested, the Ionian Sea in Greece is one of the more manageable routes, while the English Channel is the most challenging.
- Charter Fleet Operator (CFO). The liable parties as well as the insurance companies are listed below. It does not matter what your agent says; the CFO is the one who makes the ultimate decision.
- Qualifications. This thus depends on the following three additional factors:
- There are no constraints. It was in places like the Caribbean where the term “Credit Card Captain” originated. This implies that all you have to do is win over the operator, and you’ll be on your way.
- Restriction on the State Level The majority of countries have enacted at least one piece of law. However, the restrictions differ greatly depending on whether or not you want boats to arrive to your beaches.
- Limitations imposed by the EU Several member states of the EU have ratified the legislation of the EU.
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What is Usually Expected of You?
Outside of the Caribbean, if you want to be able to captain a bareboat charter vessel or take part in a flotilla, you will probably require a practical sailing qualification that is akin to the RYA Day Skipper Practical, the International Certificate of Competence (ICC), or ASA 103, 104 or above.
A valid ICC certificate is necessary in order to operate a charter business in Greece at this time. A crew member who is older than 18 years old is required to help you at all times. They will be named in the books regardless of whether or not they have an official qualification for sailing.
If you want to hire a boat in Croatia, Malta, or the Canary Islands, you need to have a VHF license and at least one member of the crew or the captain.
If you do not already possess a qualification from the RYA but would still want to participate in a flotilla, you might be interested in our “Learn on flotilla” option, which is available in the Ionian.
Alternately, RYA credentials can be achieved through RYA sailing schools in the United Kingdom or through one of our foreign centers in Gibraltar, Greece, Turkey, or Croatia.